The impacts of disasters do not affect all people equally. Groups such as women, girls, persons with disabilities, ethnic and racial minorities, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and other marginalized communities are often disproportionately affected by shocks. Yet, empowering citizens and communities, particularly those most excluded, and supporting community participation results in improved resilience to disasters, better development outcomes, and more sustainable solutions.

Aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction’s promotion of inclusive approaches to disaster risk management, GFDRR provides analytical support and raises awareness of why inclusion matters, develops technical expertise, and supports inclusion aspects throughout the DRM project cycle. 

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Explore more of our work.
Analyzing synergies between social protection and inclusive disaster risk management.
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Promoting inclusivity and risk-informed design in reconstructed schools.
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Укрепление потенциала по обеспечению готовности к климатическим рискам и рискам стихийных бедствий.
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Making early warning systems accessible and effective for everyone.
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Leveraging public procurement policies and practices to promote gender equality.
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Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh references the GFDRR report on the gender dynamics of disasters.
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How inclusive approaches can integrate climate resilience into adaptive social protection programs.
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Lessons for how to prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence.
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Strategic Objectives

Promoting Inclusion & Scaling Impact

By understanding the preconditions, context, and the built environment of communities, the Inclusive DRM and Gender Equality Cross-Cutting Priority Area will further advance and strengthen social resilience among communities to ensure that the most vulnerable are protected against disaster impacts, while also supporting the empowerment of these communities. GFDRR promotes inclusion and gender equality in DRM activities across the World Bank and with partners by producing knowledge products and analytics, conducting workshops and events, and facilitating knowledge sharing activities with partners, communities, and other stakeholders.

Developing an Evidence Base

By employing a diverse set of tools, methods, and data, GFDRR collaborates with partners to gather high quality disaggregated data and conduct analysis to inform future projects, improve monitoring and evaluation processes, and develops new tools to better assess the vulnerabilities experienced by marginalized groups. The evidence base strengthens the case for inclusion and sheds light on the multidimensional factors increasing people’s vulnerability and exposure to disasters. To support intersectionality and inclusion of all members of society, assessments need to account for the diverse socio-economic, demographic, political, and cultural characteristics in developing robust DRM activities.

Supporting Implementation of Inclusive Approaches in DRM

Through its grant-funding mandate, GFDRR has consistently supported the implementation of activities that promote inclusive DRM and gender equality by providing technical expertise and analytical support to ensure inclusion is a central component and consideration in DRM. Some areas that GFDRR may support implementation of inclusive DRM activities are related to (1) governance; (2) institutional arrangements; (3) data and information; (4) programs and delivery systems; and (5) finance. Over the years, GFDRR has demonstrated leadership in championing inclusion through its partnerships with a variety of stakeholders. The Inclusive DRM and Gender Equality Cross-Cutting Priority Area provides a framework to systematically progress GFDRR’s ongoing work for inclusive development.

CRP PLaylist

Watch the Inclusive Disaster Risk Management and Gender Equality videos playlist on YouTube



Promoting inclusivity and risk-informed design in reconstructed schools.

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Results in Resilience

Integrating disability considerations into all aspects of disaster risk reduction.

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An e-learning course on designing inclusive, accessible early warning systems.

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Making early warning systems accessible and effective for everyone.

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Strengthening inclusiveness in DRM based on the experiences of GFDRR and WomenStrong.

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Managing the intersection of disaster risks and violence against women and girls.

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Integrating gender into climate and disaster risk finance and insurance operations.

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Making the benefits of nature-based solutions available to all.

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A guidance note on incorporating inclusion considerations into nature-based solutions.

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Identifying good practices and entry points for integrating inclusivity into early warning systems.

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This report presents key lessons for inclusive, accessible early warning systems (EWS).

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Lessons for how to prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence.

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Analyzing synergies between social protection and inclusive disaster risk management.

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Disaster risk management can only be effective if it is inclusive.

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Four key lessons in enhancing inclusive disaster risk management in the Pacific.

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How GFDRR is incorporating the needs of persons with disabilities into DRM in the Pacific.

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This note captures good practices and lessons learned through a review of World Bank-financed ERPs

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The objective of this note is to identify entry points for integrating inclusion and gender

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Community Participation and Citizen Engagement

Community participation and citizen engagement are the foundation for inclusive DRM: without proper consultative processes and facilitation of community involvement, the most vulnerable will continue to be excluded throughout the DRM cycle. By bringing DRM into large-scale country investment operations, GFDRR helps to channel risk management resources directly to poor households and communities. Because DRM interconnects with a wide range of sectors and domains, there is great potential for public participation and diverse stakeholder involvement. However, there is a gap in how implementation of participatory strategies occurs, as well as the depth, scope, and frequency of citizen engagement.

Rather than out-of-the-box approaches, localized approaches are critical to define how citizen engagement activities can foster participation and contribute to building trust on the ground as well as to inform the needs of the community, aligned with their cultural norms. Participatory elements are all too often limited to national consultations; however, through comprehensive engagement of communities at the local levels, DRM interventions can be more inclusive of marginalized groups, increasing their visibility in the process and building on their existing capacities and knowledge about localized disaster risks and potential mitigation measures. Local engagement increases resilience and helps to channel risk management resources directly to the community.  

Gender Equality

Men and women, boys and girls experience disasters differently – experiences that are highly dependent on the type of hazard, social norms affecting relations between women and men, as well as structural gender inequality.

Women and girls are often systemically disadvantaged, and the conditions are further exacerbated in disaster situations.  Inclusive DRM and Gender Equality advances gender-responsive approaches throughout the DRM cycle to ensure that gender gaps such as access to health care, education, and political engagement, are reduced, and at best, eliminated. This is achieved by prioritizing women’s empowerment to build broader community resilience and contribute to sustainable development.

Disability Inclusion

Within the disaster risk context, persons with disabilities face unique challenges, such as poor accessibility to physical facilities and early warning communications, higher likelihood of being abandoned during a disaster, and possibility of being separated from their assistive devices, e.g. walking cane, hearing aids, etc.

Recognizing that persons with disabilities are crucial members of communities and are the best representatives of their needs and experiences, disability inclusion focuses on capacity building and facilitating an environment for individuals to become leaders and impactful changemakers for DRM within their communities. Persons with disabilities leverage localized knowledge to uniquely address challenges in disaster risk management that supports inclusion for all. Inclusive DRM and Gender Equality focuses on supporting and protecting lives, livelihoods, and finances before the impact of disasters are felt by encouraging the inclusion of persons with disabilities throughout the DRM cycle to inform policies, designs, and practices.

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Zoe Trohanis
Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Mirtha Escobar
Disaster Risk Management Specialist