Côte d'Ivoire: Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Training

Context and objectives
The project supported the Government of Cote d'Ivoire to establish specialized teams capable to conduct post-disaster needs assessments (PDNAs). This included the support for training materials for the two workshop sessions and the trainers themselves.
Main activities and results
This activity provided training to a pool of national experts during two workshops in the field, on the method of evaluating damage, loss and needs assessment for post disaster reconstruction.
At the request of the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, two training courses on PDNA and Recovery Framework were jointly organized by the WB, GFDRR, UNDP and FAO from 16 to 29 April 2016, in Abidjan and Korhogo. The purpose of the trainings were to develop the expertise of the national focal points of DRR and national capacities on the methodology of PDNA and Recovery Framework. The first workshop that was held in Abidjan will concern floods and landslides land in the areas of housing, energy, agriculture, transport and communications, industry, animal husbandry; Water and Sanitation. The second workshop in Korhogo focused on draught and bush fire.
Eighty-three participants attended the trainings: 46 in Abidjan and 37 in Korhogo. Most of them were disaster risk reduction (DRR) sectoral focal points from different ministerial departments, regional directorates, or coming from specialized institutions, NGOs and experts of the FAO Country Office.
Partnerships and coordination
The Government through the Ministry in charge of environment hosted the event. The participants were from government-provided utilities, research centers and NGOs. The World Bank, in collaboration with European Union and UN agencies, especially UNDP, provided experts for the two training sessions, one in Abidjan and the other in Korogho.
- Africa
Priority area
- Integration of disaster prevention into post-disaster recovery
Window of Action
- Window 3
Amount approved
- $82,487
- $0
- 01/2016 - 12/2016