By Niels Holm-Nielsen, Head, GFDRR

Understanding Risk 2024, including the Partnership Days, has been an extraordinary achievement. The integration of Partnership Days within the broader context of Understanding Risk has allowed us to deepen our collaborative efforts through partnerships and to focus on shared goals and innovative solutions.

The success of Understanding Risk 2024 can be seen in the sheer number of participants—more than 1,720 individuals from over 135 countries came together in person. This global gathering is a testament to the importance and appeal of our mission. I've had the pleasure of attending many sessions, witnessing firsthand the enriching exchanges and conversations that took place.

The venue in Himeji, with its stunning Himeji Castle and the remarkable support from the government of Japan, combined with Japan’s extensive experience in disaster risk management and the diverse global audience—including politicians, academics, civil society groups, and the private sector as well as industry and financial experts—has created an exceptional environment that will be challenging to surpass.

Our work at the World Bank goes beyond the generation of knowledge for its own sake. We aim to produce and disseminate knowledge that informs decision-making, leading to tangible actions such as investments, policy changes, and regulatory reforms. Success, for us, lies in connecting specialized knowledge with actionable steps that can make a significant difference. This forum has brought together international participants, including government officials from around the world, to expose them to new ideas and knowledge that they can integrate into their decision-making processes upon returning home.

The forum offered numerous opportunities for participants to engage in study tours, such as visits to the Kobe Earthquake Museum, and to learn from Japan’s experiences with natural hazards. These activities have been instrumental in integrating academic insights into practical conversations, ensuring that the lessons learned here are shared widely.

While the true measure of our impact is challenging to quantify, we are confident that significant value has been created through the numerous interactions and sessions attended by our participants. Each conversation holds potential value, contributing to a collective understanding that would be difficult to achieve elsewhere. For the past 14 years, we have strived to create a unique space where governments, industries, researchers, nongovernmental organizations, and finance experts can converge and collaborate on risk management. This confluence of diverse perspectives is rare and invaluable.

We remain committed to fostering these essential dialogues and connections. The significance of creating a platform where various stakeholders can come together cannot be overstated, and we are dedicated to sustaining this effort for years to come.