The ACP EU NDRR Window 3 funds will contribute to facilitate participation of delegates from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, including as speakers and panelists, to various sessions being organized during the conference, including a dedicated ACP session. This will allow to promote the visibility of the ACP-EU NDRR Program and of the EU funding in support of the DRM agenda.
The third edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC3) will strengthen the discourse on recovery in a changing world, with a focus on the growing demand for strengthening recovery systems ex-ante, promoting interventions and practices leading to resilient recovery, and enhancing the global knowledge resources on recovery. The conference will also build capacity for disaster risk reduction in recovery and reconstruction, including discussion and training on tools and methodologies. The conference discussions will be organized around four main thematic areas and a plenary session will be marking each of them:
- Recovery Interventions
- Recovery Preparedness
- Recovery in conflict and fragile situations
- Leveraging political consensus on Sendai Priority No. 4