Assessment of accessibility and flood/landslide risk, and inequality impacts linked to fare changes

Durban floods - giant hole in the M4 freeway in Tongaat which was washed away during the 13 May 2022 floods. Damaged freeway. Credit:

Final deliverables: A slide deck assessing geospatial accessibility. It measures travel time from points of origin (e.g., settlements) to key points of interest (e.g., market hubs, hospitals, schools, jobs) under no-disruption and disruption scenarios involving natural hazards. Possible outputs include non-aggregated travel times to nearest destinations, aggregated average travel times per admin unit, and the sum of people/crops isolated from destinations under each scenario.

Geographic scope: City-level, national

Hazards covered: Floods, landslides

Time Required for delivery: 2 months

Assessment of the Geospatial accessibility. Accessibility is measured in terms of travel time to reach certain points of interests. Travel times from points of origin (i.e., Settlements etc.) to key points of interest (major market hubs, hospitals, schools, jobs etc.) would be determined and simulated under both a no-disruption scenario and disruption scenarios involving occurrence of natural hazards. Possible outputs include: (i) Non-aggregated times for all points of origin to their nearest destination, (ii) Aggregated average travel time per admin unit, (iii) Sum of people/crops isolated from the destination under each scenario.

Edward Charles Anderson
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Frederico Pedroso
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Paolo Avner
Senior Urban Economist
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