Capital High Impact Prioritization (CHIP)

CHIP platform

Applications: While the CHIP platform is still under development, the underlying methodology has already been successfully applied to prioritize investment planning in Indonesia, and South Africa (one of the cases from where the methodology was borrowed). WB City Planning Labs team has also collaborated with UNHABITAT Urban Labs to test methodology in WB financed pilots.

Data requirement: Spatial plans, local data, potential projects from budget discussion with city departments

Final deliverables: Final deliverable is a prioritized list of investment projects, strategically selected based on city visions/goals and sequenced to fit within the city's budget in a medium term perspective (annual, rolling).

Geographic scope: City

Hazards covered: Yes

Indicative Cost / working time: $50 K-$200 K, depending on level of effort and city size.

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Planned. Concept note under development for review within FY25

Time required for delivery: Depends on level of effort — if effort includes rapid planning process (if spatial plans unavailable or poor quality - 4 weeks) + budget prioritization exercise (3 months) for the mid-term plan

Capital High Impact Prioritization (CHIP) is an innovative digital platform that streamlines the process of spatially informed investment prioritization for cities, along with budget fit-- in a one stop shop platform. Utilizes a process oriented approach that can be structured to mimic a city's budget planning process while incorporating a relationship to strategic spatial planning (formal or fit-for-purpose). In doing so, it  empowers governments to make data-driven investment prioritization decisions for medium and annual terms, align projects with spatial plans and zones of investment incentivization for economic growth, and maximize the impact of their investments for a more resilient and livable city. CHIP utilizes space in a powerful way-- as a proxy for de-risking investments as well as incentivizing development in areas and corridors that lead or greater economic growth and link urban poor with jobs and services.

Gayatri Singh
Global City Planning Labs (CPL)
Daniela Evia Duarte
Global City Planning Labs (CPL)

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