Cities for Jobs & Growth Benchmarking

Cities for Jobs

Applications: South Africa Urban RAS, Kenya UR, Philippines UR, Georgia Urban Strategy and multiple other regional and country ASA, used in client dialog many times (link to an example of a deliverable is included in the resources column)

Data requirement: Relies on global data sources, inc. Oxford Economics data

Final deliverables: A document with charts on a set of benchmarking indicators, with brief narrative and conclusions.

Geographic scope: City specific

Hazards covered: Can be considered

Indicative Cost / working time: $5 K

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes. Outputs mentioned in example applications peer reviewed.

Time required for delivery: 1-2 weeks

This tool provides a quick benchmarking of a city's economy & key related conditions comparing the city to a set of peers. The benchmarking is based on Oxford Economics data, combined with a variety of additional geo spatial data sources (e.g., GHSL, disaster risk data, etc.) Outputs intended to be useful for early conversations with clients, and scoping possible programs. Note: the old version is outdated; an updated version is expected to be available in Fall 2025.

Dmitry Sivaev
Analytics GSG

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