Applications: Used for preparation of TDDs on Competitive Cities and Creative Industries, in Philippines UR, Georgia Urban Strategy, Russia Remapping Opportunity report, Western Balkans Urbanization Review, Uzbekistan Urbanization Review, etc.
Data requirement: Local data & info from interviews collected during preparation
Final deliverables: Report with specific recommendations.
Geographic scope: City specific
Hazards covered: Can be considered
Indicative Cost / working time: $20 K +
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Outputs listed under example applications have undergone peer review.
Time required for delivery: 2 months
An analysis of key constraints for job creation and growth and identification of priority interventions. The scope and focus of analysis can be defined as either spatial (specific area of the city), sectoral, or in other configurations. It starts with a review of literature and available data to define the scope and formulate hypotheses. It relies on interviews and focus groups in the target city in the course of a 1-week mission. Overall, it needs 2 weeks of preparation, 1-2 weeks of mission planning with assistance of the country team, 1 week on the ground, 2 weeks of analysis and write-up. Ideally, it requires a team of 2 people, including one person with experience of application of the methodology, and one person with a good understanding of the country — preferably a local consultant.