Cities for Jobs & Growth Diagnostic

Cities for Jobs

Applications: Sri Lanka urban analysis (Ongoing)

Data requirement: Global & local data

Final deliverables: PPT with analysis, potential project narrative, project design and theory of change.

Geographic scope: City specific, groups of cities, region(s)

Hazards covered: Can be considered

Indicative Cost / working time: $20 K +

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Builds on, inter alia, the methodology of the peer reviewed Competitive Cities for Jobs & Growth report

Time required for delivery: 1-3 months depending on agreed scope

An assessment of the dynamism of urban economies at a national level, identifying key constraints and issues and solutions aiming to unlock job creation and economic growth. Geared toward preparation of urban operations; outputs include proposed project components and theory of change. Uses best available data and research in combination with additional data inputs (e.g. from benchmarking tool). The scope & depth of the exercise can be adjusted. Requires at least 1 week of a good consultant, with supervision and guidance from a core team member.

Ayah Mahgoub
Urban & Analytics GSGs

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