Dynamics of Human Settlements and Exposure to flooding


Applications: The country or regional level summary notes have informed WB analytical products including CCDRs in more than 6 countries. Example include: Poland, India, Bhutan, Vietnam, Cambodia,...

Data requirement: Global data (FATHOM and JRC global datasets for floods, and WSF-Evolution for settlement extents)

Final deliverables: A summary note with key messages, relevant figures, and recommendation typology, as well as detaild annexes with processed data.

Geographic scope: National, sub-national

Hazards covered: Floods

Indicative Cost / working time: $5k - ~1 week

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes, methodology was cleared and peer-reviewed and the global findings published in the journal Nature in October 2023.

Time Required for delivery: 1-3 weeks (depending on other commitments)

This product assesses the evolution of the share of settlement extents that are exposed to 1 in 100 year pluvial, fluvial and coastal floods from 1985 to 2015 at the Admin 0 and 1 level, per country income group and geography.

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This study shows since 1985, human settlements have expanded into present-day flood zones.

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Analyzing spatial urbanization patterns and the evolution of flood exposure since 1985.

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Analyzing locally determined patterns of urbanization and spatial development.

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Paolo Avner
Senior Urban Economist
Jun Rentschler
Senior Economist
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