Energy Infrastructure Exposure Analysis

Energy Infrastructure Exposure Analysis

Applications: High-level understanding of the potential disaster and climate risks and impacts in areas surrounding existing and planned energy infrastructure

Data requirement: Global data and local data, including energy infrastructure spatial data

Final deliverables: A slide deck that provides a rapid geospatial assessment of the hazard exposure of existing and planned energy infrastructure, as well as socio-economic aspects that can be consider when assessing the impact from service disruptions, i.e., how to prioritize interventions. It includes maps, data visualizations, statistics, and questions regarding risk-understanding.

Geographic scope: City-level, national (being developed), regional (being developed)

Hazards covered: Multiple hazards

Indicative Cost / working time: $500 - $5k

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: No

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 weeks

This analysis provides a preliminary examination of the potential resilience challenges facing various types of existing and planned energy infrastructure, such as distribution, transmission lines and subtations. Overlaying the locations of the infrastructure with hazard data helps identify areas that may be exposed to multiple hazards, like flooding, landslides and extreme heat, and encourages further actions on detailed assessments, data collections, and measures to strengthen the resilience of energy infrastructure. The energy infrastructure is also viewed in relation to the population and economic activity. Together, these analytical components guide the task team to consider not only the resilience of the infrastructure assets against natural hazards, but also the role of energy infrastructure in resilience-building. The analysis has been pioloted for distribuition power grids (i.e., urban areas), though it is being adapted to national and regional power sector infrastructure.

Natalia Romero
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Ross Marc Eisenberg
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
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