GHG Accounting Methodologies & Tools


Applications: Recent Solid Waste Management (SWM) projects given corporate requirements for GHG accounting/analysis; Kinshasa Multisector Development & Urban Resilience Project (SWM, energy, transport and water), P175728 - Gujarat Resilient Cities Partnership: Ahmedabad City Resilience Project (Waste water), P177185 - Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster risk management project 2 (Transport) and P175894 - Seismic Resilience and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings project (Buildings).

Data requirement: Global, regional and country level data. For SWM, What a waste offers comprehensive datasets.

Final deliverables: GHG analysis result excel files for WB corporate GHG accounting and justifications under mitigation climate cobenefits.

Geographic scope: City/Region

Hazards covered: GHG emissions

Indicative Cost / working time: Not known

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Approved by WB Climate Change Group (CCG)

Time required for delivery: 2-3 months

Provides guidance for task teams on WB approved GHG methodologies and available tools for conducting GHG impact analysis of URL projects. Emission impact analysis can be carried out for interventions across key sectors like waste, building, water & wastewater and transport.

Kremena Ionkova
Baraneedharan Varadharaj

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