Applications: Under development [expected availability: December 2024]
Data requirement: Global data, with option to incorporate local data (hazard, infrastructure, or vulnerability curves)
Final deliverables: A slide deck or summary note providing key messages, relevant figures, and recommendation typology.
Geographic scope: ADM0, ADM1, ADM2, city level, customizable
Hazards covered: Multiple hazards
Indicative Cost / working time: $5k - 20k
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: A significant portion of the code and work has been extensively published in reputable journals including the journal Nature. Further developments will be peer-reviewed.
Time Required for delivery: 3 weeks - 2 months
This analysis provides a preliminary high-level overview of the exposure and vulnerability of infrastructure assets in 7 sectors (transport, energy, healthcare, waste, telecommunication, water, and education) to floods, earthquakes, tropical cyclones (wind-induced damages only), and landslides, extreme heat, and wildfires. The analysis is based on globally available datasets but can digest higher resolution local datasets if these are available. Similarly vulnerability curves are by default extracted from the literature but can be customized and tailored to local contexts