Internally Displaced Persons and Climate Resilience Analysis

Internally Displaced Persons and Climate Resilience Analysis

Applications: High-level understanding of the potential disaster and climate risks and impacts surrounding the IDP communities and host communities in urban areas

Data requirement: Global data with option to include local data.

Final deliverables: A slide deck that provides a rapid geospatial assessment of the environmental and sociopolitical contexts of the IDP communities and host communities, as well as the critical resilience challenges that the communities face. It includes maps, data visualizations, statistics, and insights that integrate both built and natural environment features.

Geographic scope: City-level, regional

Hazards covered: Floods, sea level rise, coastal erosion, heat, air pollution, landslide, drought, and extreme weather events

Indicative Cost / working time: $500 - $9k

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 weeks

The risks associated with natural disasters and climate change can impact both internally displaced people (IDP) communities and their host communities. As IDP movements are often rapid and hard to predict, it is crucial to understand the spatial distribution of hazard exposure and gaps in resilience, in order to protect IDPs and host communities from disaster shocks. This analysis uses IOM/DTM data to track the movements and trends of IDPs, and overlays them with hazard data to identify exposed and vulnerable communities.

Ross Marc Eisenberg
Disaster Risk Mangement Specialist
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