Applications: The LLE provides an entry point for foundation for Task Team Leaders (TTLs) to engage country counterparts’ decision-makers on emergency preparedness and response development projects, and provides valuable advice for country stakehodlers. 4 LLEs have been compelted in last 10 years, leading to operations dialogues
Data requirement: Desk review + informant interviews
Final deliverables: An after action report that provides a comprehnsive assessments of event response, complemented by a general assessment of the country's EP&R environment, including qualitative and quantifiable results to inform investment priorities and track progress over time.
Geographic scope: National , subnational, municipal
Hazards covered: All
Indicative Cost / working time: $100k
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes - peer reviewed Sept 2024
Time Required for delivery: 3-6 months
An entry point to advocate for EP&R systems enhancement. The LLE analyzes a recent emergency in the country. It provides stakeholders an opportunity to discuss the systems, procedures and experiences related to emergency preparedness and response, develop collaborative recommendations and gather initial data before a broader assessment.