Quantitative Urban / Spatial Modeling of Impacts of Urban Investments

Urban / Spatial Modelling

Applications: Greater Amman Municipality (study of effects of new BRT lines)

Data requirement: Spatial data, wage data, firm-level distribution across tradable and non-tradable sectors, infrastructure investments (e.g. transport), land use restrictions.

Final deliverables: Model outputs

Geographic scope: City, Region, National

Hazards covered: Yes

Indicative Cost / working time: $50 K

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes. Underlying methods originate in academia, where there is a substantial technical and applied literature.

Time required for delivery: 6 months

Quantitative spatial modeling allows for spatial general equilibrium modeling of the long-run welfare and productivity effects of a variety of potential urban investments and/or planning interventions within a specific city, region or country. The most common applications consist of studying the impacts of investments in spatially connective infrastructure such as the building of a new BRT or MRT system or the extension of an existing system.

Sally Beth Murray
Analytics GSG
Nancy Lozano Gracia

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