Applications: Applied to the Land & Geospatial Resilience Action Plan preparation in the Solomon Islands 2019, which was laregely adopted to the land component P181295, Solomon Islands, CAUSE II, FY23.
Final deliverables: Assessment and action plan.
Geographic scope: National, Project level
Hazards covered: Natural hazards that result in a disaster
Indicative Cost / working time: $50 K
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes (DR in May 2019)
Time required for delivery: Two technical missions, national workshop
This tool outlines the necessary requirements for establishing land and geospatial systems that can help to build resilience. Includes a checklist to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these systems at various levels, aiding in disaster mitigation, recovery, and reconstruction planning. Also outlines two key tools: the “Pre- and Post-Disaster Recommendations,” which provide insights on how land and geospatial information can support disaster-related needs and actions, and the “Guidance for Action Plan Design and Implementation,” which offers a template for developing a Country Action Plan to enhance capacity and resilience.