Urban Climate Risk Analysis


Applications: Produced for 19 countries so far, covering 180 cities. For example, the Urban Climate Risk Analysis for Bangladesh, covering 14 cities, was used to develop the urban storyline and investment recommendations of the Bangladesh Country Climate and Development Report, and strengthened the selection of urban services interventions in key clusters as part of Project preparation with the client.

Data requirement: Global data with option to include local data.

Final deliverables: A report that covers hazard exposure and climate conditions—both present and future—for selected city(ies). The report also includes key findings and recommendations on disaster risk management (DRM) and climate policy priorities for the urban sector.

Geographic scope: City-level

Hazards covered: Floods, sea level rise, coastal erosion, heat, air pollution, landslide, drought, and extreme weather events

Indicative Cost / working time: $5k-25k

Time Required for delivery: 1 month

Hazard exposure and climate conditions—both present and future—for a list of cities selected by the task team. Covers pluvial and fluvial flooding, including built-up area exposure; sea level rise; shoreline changes; urban heat (surface temperature and projected air temperature increase); air pollution; drought; and climate projections covering temperature, precipitation, drought, and extreme weather events. Includes key findings and recommendations on DRM and climate policy priorities for the urban sector.

Additional Resources

Ross Marc Eisenberg
Disaster Risk Mangement Specialist
Tools & Services email

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