Madagascar: Building Urban Resilience in Greater Antananarivo

Context and Objectives

This ACP-EU NDRR project strengthened climate resilience in Antananarivo and enhanced the urban living conditions in the poorest and most vulnerable neighborhoods of Greater Antananarivo. The project provided analytics on urban planning and disaster risk management, and promoted the integration of disaster risk considerations into urban practices. 

The resulting analytics informed the $75 million World Bank-financed "Integrated Urban Development and Resilience Project" (PRODUIR), which planned investments to improve infrastructure for drainage and flood protection, improve urban living conditions and livelihoods; and enhance resilient urban governance and disaster preparedness.

Main Activities

Project activities were carried out under the following components: 

Component 1: Disaster informed urban planning and design.

Activities under this component developed innovative urban development plans that incorporate disaster risk management. This included plans on evacuation routes, shelters and first response centers.

Component 2: Green solutions for resilient urban development.

Activities under this component included an assessment of the costs, benefits, and implementation considerations for the implementation of nature-based solutions in Antananarivo, such as wetlands and urban parks. An investment plan for upscaling these solutions in Antananarivo and possible other cities was also developed, and capacity building activities were provided for central and municipal officials.

Component 3: Community-based solid waste management.

Activities under this component developed an assessment of challenges regarding effective solid waste management. Innovative community-based approaches were also proposed and piloted.

Component 4: Policy dialogue and donor coordination

Under this component, the project improved donor coordination in the urban space and to maintain a policy dialogue across government counterparts.


The project produced a technical study on green infrastructure and risk-informed urban design options, and a study and pilot project for community-led solid waste management. 

Partnerships and Coordination

The project was implemented with the Ministry of Land Use Planning, with National Disaster Risk Management Agencies, and with Municipal Authorities. Close coordination was also ensured with Agence Française de Développement, and with the EU Delegation.

  • Africa
Window of Action
  • Window 2
Amount approved
  • $500,000
  • $75,000,000
  • 11/2018 - 08/2021