Mozambique: Strengthening Disaster Risk Management and Building Climate Resilience

Context and Objectives

In October 2017, the government of Mozambique approved an ambitious National DRM Master Plan for the period of 2017-2030, which is now the guiding instrument for DRM interventions in Mozambique. In this context, the ACP-EU NDRR Program supported the government in implementing this Plan through analytical contributions and policy dialogue under the Strengthening Disaster Risk Management and Building Climate Resilience project. 

Main Activities

Project activities were carried out under the following components: 

Component 1: Sectoral resilience

Advisory work was provided on mainstreaming disaster and climate resilience in key sectors such as transport, health infrastructure and urban development.

Component 2: Early warning systems

Early warning system information in Mozambique often did not reach districts and communities in a timely manner. An in-depth assessment was conducted on gaps in the early warning system, including information dissemination arrangements. 

Component 3: Policy dialogue, donor coordination and program implementation support

Policy dialogue on disaster resilience, including on infrastructure resilience. This process brought together various government counterparts and partners.


This project was approved one month before TC Idai made landfall in Mozambique. This grant has therefore supported a chapter of the Post Disaster Needs Assessment focusing on DRM in Mozambique (

Advisory work contributed to mainstreaming disaster and climate resilience in key sectors such as transport and health infrastructure by reviewing existing legislative norms and the development of improved legislative guidelines. Project activities also include an assessment of the early warning system in Mozambique.

This project was also instrumental in supporting the development of the Cyclone Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project (CERRP) approved in September 2019 with an allocation of $130 million from International Development Association/Crisis Response Window and co-financing from the Dutch and German cooperation in the amount of $80 million.

Analytical work as part of this project supported investments made under the $75 million World Bank Mozambique Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Program. It contributed to strengthening government capacities and systems, including the operationalization and capitalization of the newly established disaster fund, strengthening of early warning capacities, and increasing the resilience of public buildings.

Partnerships and Coordination

The project was implemented by the World Bank and the Mozambique National Disaster Management Institute, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Public Works and Water Management, and the Ministry of Health.  

  • Africa
Window of Action
  • Window 2
Amount approved
  • $500,000
  • 02/2019 - 08/2021