San Francisco
Icarus in Flight
Musical composition
A collaboration of musicians, scientists, artists, technologists, and public policy specialists, the ClimateMusic Project creates multi-sensory performances of science-guided music, combined with visual and data animations. Three years of successful live performances and audience feedback have demonstrated that this “hearts and minds” approach effectively sparks new insights and motivates a desire to take action to mitigate the impact of climate change and foster resilience to climate-related disasters. They say of Icarus in Flight:
The goal of Icarus in Flight, as with all our compositions, is to improve understanding of the risks of climate change and the urgency of taking action, and to motivate audience members to take meaningful steps in their lives and communities to reduce the risk of a climate crisis and improve resiliency.
Select Previous Exhibitions
The following identifies select dates and locations of performances by The ClimateMusic Project:
- November 2015: Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland, CA USA
- July 2016: The TechMuseum of Innovation, Silicon Valley, USA
- November 2016: Green Festival, San Francisco, CA, USA
- April 2017: Noh Space, San Francisco, CA USA
- October 2017: Swissnex, San Francisco, CA USA
- December 2017: San Francisco Performing Arts Center, San Francisco, CA USA
- April 2018: University of Bordeaux, France
- May 2018: Understanding Risk 2018, Mexico City, Mexico
- September 2018: Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco, CA USA
- May 2019: Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA USA