The Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment (BRCA) is a methodology to help countries, and cities assess their building and land use regulatory framework and identify opportunities for priority reforms and improvements. This is a pressing issue, as in many countries, rapid urbanization is occurring without comprehensive building regulatory frameworks and corresponding capacity to better manage disaster risks. BRCA 2.0, is an updated version of the original BRCA methodology published in 2017, and provides a simplified set of assessment questions, elaborated guidance to formulate practical and high priority recommendations, along with a reporting template to streamline report delivery. It aims to support governments’ decision-makers in charge of defining the priority and scope of legal, policy, and institutional reforms related to resilient, sustainable and inclusive built environments. The BRCA identifies critical gaps and provides the necessary information to develop a baseline for formulating technical assistance to governments, as well as consolidating findings that can be used to determine areas for improvements and investments.