Nature-based Solutions Opportunity Scan and Report


Applications: Between mid-2022 and present, NBSOS was successfully implemented in 20 countries, spanning various regions and sectors, including 10 coastal landscapes and 70 cities, informing over $2.5 billion in development financing and key strategic assessments. For example, NBSOS was applied in the following: Indonesia National Urban Flood Resilience Project (P173671, IBRD $400M), the Argentine Climate Resilient Infrastructure for Urban Flood Risk Management Project (P178534, IBRD $200M), the next phase of the Dakar urban resilience program and the Senegal CCDR.

Data requirement: Global data, with option to incorporate local data

Final deliverables: A slide deck describing the approach, project context, opportunity scan results, and further considerations for implementing NBS. The slide deck can be complemented by an online data viewer and task teams and clients and also request the geospatial and tabular output data of the NBSOS.

Geographic scope: City-level

Hazards covered: Floods (pluvial, coastal, fluvial), heat stress, erosion (terrestrial and coastal), sea level rise

Indicative Cost / working time: $7.5-15k per city, $20-30k per coastal landscape

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes -  April 2024, available here:

Time Required for delivery: 1-2 months

NBSOS is a geospatial tool designed to identify investment opportunities in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to enhance climate resilience and reduce disaster risk in urban and coastal areas worldwide. The NBS opportunity Scan provides a first assessment of the relevant NBS types that can be implemented in an area of interest. It also includes cost-benefit estimates at city-level that can be used in CCDR deep dives or for project preparation. National-level investment needs estimate and policy recommendations can be provided as an extension to this product, to be discussed as inception.

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Leveraging Earth observation data to identify nature-based solutions investment opportunities.

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Boris Ton Van Zanten
Disaster Risk Mangement Specialist
Tools & Services email

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