Global Library for School Infrastructure (GLOSI)

Global Library for School Infrastructure (GLOSI)

Applications: GLOSI has been applied in Mexico, Nepal,  Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, Uruguay, Angola, Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, St Lucia, Nepal, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Vanuatu, Tonga, Cabo Verde, Pakistan

Data requirement: School infrastructure baseline data, hazard data

Final deliverables: A report and catalog of the main building types in a portfolio, where each building type is labeled according to several key structural attributes defined by the GLOSI taxonomy system. The taxonomy identifies the critical structural attributes that impact the school performance for a specific hazard. A report summarizes the key parameters for each building type, provides insight on the vulnerability and risk analysis for each building type, and offers risk reduction strategies with input from a growing library of past case studies. This structural information informs future risk reducing investment plans.

Geographic scope: National, sub-national

Hazards covered: Multiple hazards

Indicative Cost / working time: Case by case

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes - published 10/19

Time Required for delivery: 10-12 months (depending data available, country context

The Global Library of School Infrastructure (GLOSI) is a live repository of evidence-based knowledge and data about school infrastructure and how it performs in the face of natural disasters. The global library provides governments and development partners with the tools to assess disaster risk in the education sector and effectively design school infrastructure investment plans, in support of the actions outlined in the Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools.

Additional Resources


Many school buildings in Cali are vulnerable to strong earthquakes. Therefore, the municipality has identified the need to design a seismic risk reduction strategy as part of a twelve-year Master Plan for School Infrastructure. To that end, with the World Bank’s technical assistance, the municipality implemented a methodology developed by the Global Program for Safer Schools: the Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools.

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Results in Resilience

Safeguarding schools from Türkiye's deadliest earthquake in modern history.

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Promoting inclusivity and risk-informed design in reconstructed schools.

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Carina Fonseca
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Fernando Ramírez
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Angeles Martinez
Tools & Services email

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