Risk Data Fellows

Risk Data Fellows

Applications: Cases/examples of the service being used by task teams in operational work: FY24 fellows supported Bangladesh, India, Philippines, DRC, South Africa, Nepal, Caribbean, Indonesia

Final deliverables: Technical services  on data wrangling, cleanup, prototyping, demonstrations, and implementation support.

Geographic scope: National

Indicative Cost / working time: 75 (~$22k) STC days covered by GFDRR / 75 days (~$22k) covered by the Task Team

Time Required for delivery: 6-12 months

This is a centrally recruited and trained cohort of Data Scientists that can be deployed for 6 to 12 months into tasks teams to work with PIU and client agencies as a local data evangelist. Risk Data Fellows are highly qualified young people trained in the new generation of data services, AI tools, and Bank standards. They are hired for 150 days STC to work for tasks teams as a kind of CIO within the project to undertake data wrangling, cleanup, prototyping, demonstrations, and implementation support. After 6 months, the projects can hire the fellows on local STC contract for a further 6 months.

Additional Resources


The Digital Earth team at GFDRR is recruiting fellows from vulnerable countries.

Learn More
Pierre Chrzanowski
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Edward Charles Anderson
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Tools & Services email

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