Urban Road Exposure to Hazards and Mobility Disruptions

Urban Road Exposure to Hazards and Mobility Disruptions

Applications: The country or regional level summary notes have informed WB analytical products including CCDRs in more than 6 countries. Example include: Poland, Benin, Ivory Coast, ...

Data requirement: Global data

Final deliverables: A country or regional summary note with key messages, relevant figures, and recommendation typology, as well as detailed annexes with processed data. Possibility of presenting detailed results at the city level.

Geographic scope: City-level

Hazards covered: Floods

Indicative Cost / working time: $5k - ~1 week

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes, peer-reviewed methodology and results published in the WB working paper series in May 2022

Time Required for delivery: 1 - 3 weeks (depending on other commitments)

Assessment of the exposure of the urban road network to flooding, and associated mobility disruptions, and system loss of functionality (failed trips, increased travel times) for more than 2,300 urban areas globally.

Additional Resources


Evaluating urban road networks' direct exposure to flood hazards.

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GFDRR experts make the case for a concerted approach to prepare transport systems from extreme heat.

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Integrating climate resilience considerations into transport asset management.

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Paolo Avner
Senior Urban Economist
Jun Rentschler
Senior Economist
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