City Extreme Heat Scan

City Extreme Heat Scan

Applications: Detailed spatial understanding of a city’s future heat hazard, especially related to climate change

Data requirement: Global data + local data provided by external firm Vito

Final deliverables: The output of the City Extreme Heat Scan is an in-depth analysis presented through accessible and intuitive visualizations and impactful statistics. It uses global data to provide insights into the historical and future states of urban heat, incorporating detailed local heat measurements and modeling.

Geographic scope: City-level

Hazards covered: Heat stress

Indicative Cost / working time: $500 - $10k

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 weeks

The City Extreme Heat Scan offers an in-depth analysis into different dimensions of the heat hazard. It presents conclusions from global data for both historical and future states of urban heat, but goes much further by incorporating highly detailed heat measurements and modeling in the local environment. Moreover, it communicates the hazard of urban heat in an accessible and intuitive manner rather than delving too deeply into technical minutiae. For example, how will the residents experience urban heat in the future? In 50 years, which city’s current climate will the focal city most resemble? The combination of creative visualizations and impactful statistics helps policymakers grasp the severity of the hazard and start the dialogue on climate adaptation.

Nick Jones
Data Scientist
Ross Marc Eisenberg
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Tools & Services email

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