Economic Cost-benefit and Rebuild Analysis

Economic Cost-benefit and Rebuild Analysis

Applications: Recent applications include Belize (P177987) and Colombia (P180534)

Data requirement: Global data with option (strongly recommended) to incorporate local data to improve model precision

Final deliverables: A Slide deck containing summary of findings, key messages and highlights. A written report can be produced based on needs complemented by the full findings compiled in an excel file.

Geographic scope: National, subnational

Hazards covered: Multiple hazards

Indicative Cost / working time: $15-$20k

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes - peer reviewed, published 02/24

Time Required for delivery: 3-4 weeks

This analysis is linked cost benefit analysis ties into to the outputs from some quantitative tools, such as the exposure analysis, existing health system capacities assessed through the scorecard and health facility data typically collected under the health facility master list. The economic analysis focuses on the comparison of the costs of interventions vs. the costs associated through a no-action scenario, where people and health facilities are not preparing any additional disaster resilience strengthening activities. 

Mersedeh Tariverdi
Senior Data Scientist
Jun Rentschler
Senior Economist
Christoph Klaiber
Tools & Services email

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