Ready to Respond Diagnostic (R2R)

Ready to Respond Diagnostic (R2R)

Applications: The R2R Diagnostic provides an objective, data-driven foundation for Task Team Leaders (TTLs) to engage country counterparts’ decision-makers on emergency preparedness and response development projects. Over 15 R2Rs completed to date

Data requirement: Desk review + informant interviews

Final deliverables: A diagnostic report that examines 360 data points related to a country's emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) system and an investment plan for EP&R investments in short medium and long term, for different sized budgets.

Geographic scope: national , subnational, municipal

Hazards covered: All

Indicative Cost / working time: $130k- 180k

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes - peer reviewed Sept 2024

Time Required for delivery: 3-6 months

The Ready2Respond (R2R) diagnostic examines 360 individual data points related to the strength of a country’s EP&R system using a conceptual framework that assess i) facilities, ii) equipment, iii) personnel, iv)information systems and v) legal frameworks of EP&R. The diagnostic includes a four-phase approach: (i) Pre-mission preparations; (ii) Mission and Data Collection (iii) EP&R Diagnostic Report, Data Validation & Analysis; (iv) EP&R Investment Plan and Discussion Support.  The R2R culminates in a thorough report of the current state of a country’s EP&R environment—or a section of the environment in the case of a modular adaptation of the R2R. In addition to an extensive qualitative assessment, the report includes quantifiable results and an investment plan to inform future WB operations

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Ready2Respond improves national, sub-national and city resilience mechanisms and protects development gains through  investments in emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) systems and is informed by the encompassing City Resilience Program (CRP) and other World Bank resilience platforms.

This document provides detailed implementation guidance for the Ready2Respond Rapid Diagnostic., including field data collection, suggested interviewees, analytical approach and reporting framework.

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The World Bank engaged Prepared International (PPI) to support Serbia’s disaster risk management

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Ready2Respond improves national, sub-national and city resilience mechanisms and protects development gains through investments in emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) systems informed by the encompassing City Resilience Program (CRP) and other World Bank platforms.

Ready2Respond provides timely, technical expertise, and global support to World Bank teams with implementation tools and techniques as they pursue EP&R development investments. The purpose of this framework document is to provide a knowledge base for the generation of more targeted guidance and reference materials for task team leaders and their clients regarding EP&R programs, and to inform future World Bank Group (WBG) operations and technical assistance to countries.

Framework | Infographic

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Mary Elinor Boyer
Senior Disaster Risk Mangement Specialist
Tools & Services email

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