Spatial Network Analysis for School Infrastructure

Spatial Network Analysis for School Infrastructure

Applications: Recent Application in Iraq (Diyala Governorate)

Data requirement: Schools infrastructure baseline data, school geolocation, hazard data, transport network data, land use data, student population.

Final deliverables: Technical report containing school infrastructure spatial assessment to improve the network of the physical learning environments. The report includes (i) levels of spatial accessibility, (ii) exposure assessment of sites for new construction of schools, and (iii) optimal location-allocation of student deficit maximizing coverage.

Geographic scope: National, subnational

Indicative Cost / working time: $50k-$60k

Time Required for delivery: 5-6 months (depending data available, country context)

The spatial network analysis provides critical insight for school infrastructure investment planning as a tool to understand the relation between the school network capacity and student needs and the planning of the school infrastructure network which includes the selection of sites and construction of new schools. It offers guidance for increasing spatial accessibility to students and recommends suitable locations to maximize resilience.

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Each year, natural disasters and climate change around the world have a devastating e ect on children’s education. They cause direct harm to children, teachers, and the school community, damaging or destroying school infrastructure. The Global Program for Safer Schools (GPSS) aims to promote and facilitate informed, large-scale investments for the safety and resilience of new and existing school infrastructure at risk from natural hazards, contributing to high-quality learning environments. The focus is primarily on public school infrastructure in developing countries.

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Japan's experience in bringing its schools to earthquake-resistant standard offers key lessons.

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A repository of knowledge about resilient schools from the Global Program for Safer Schools.

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Fernando Ramirez
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Angeles Martinez
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