Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools

Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools

Applications: The application of the Roadmap includes Peru, Colombia (Cali), The Kyrgyz Republic, The Philippines, Iraq, Cabo Verde, India (Nagaland), Tonga, Vanuatu.

Data requirement: School infrastructure baseline data, hazard data

Final deliverables: Technical report containing a medium to long-term investment plan to improve the physical learning environments. The report includes the following: (i) diagnosis of the school infrastructure, construction practices, and financial environment, (ii) risk and resilience assessment, (iii) intervention strategy, (iv) financial strategy, and (v) implementation strategy. It provides further recommendations to strengthen the institutional capacity of governments to manage disaster risk in school infrastructure.

Geographic scope: National, subnational

Hazards covered: Multiple hazards

Indicative Cost / working time: Case by case

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: RSRS Guidance Note 2.0 published 2020

Time Required for delivery: 10-12 months (depending data available, country context

The Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools (RSRS) is a step-by-step guide intended to provide support to governments of developing countries exposed to natural hazards. Specifically, it focuses on the design of intervention strategies and investment plans to make schools safer and resilient at scale. The scope of the guide encompasses the recovery and reconstruction of school facilities affected by disasters.

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Over 1,000,000 school buildings are at risk from earthquakes and tropical cyclones, as per data from the Global Baseline of School Infrastructure. This negatively impacts the school community’s operations, teaching, and learning initiatives. Moreover, efforts to fully restore the educational services can be prolonged and expensive.

To build a more resilient school system, the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, through its Safer Schools Thematic Area, has developed two flagship tools: the Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools (RSRS) and the Global Library of School Infrastructure (GLOSI).

This online course presents key concepts and guidance on the application and implementation of the Roadmap.

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Guidance Note 2

The guide encompasses the recovery and reconstruction of school facilities affected by disasters.

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Many school buildings in Cali are vulnerable to strong earthquakes. Therefore, the municipality has identified the need to design a seismic risk reduction strategy as part of a twelve-year Master Plan for School Infrastructure. To that end, with the World Bank’s technical assistance, the municipality implemented a methodology developed by the Global Program for Safer Schools: the Roadmap for Safer and Resilient Schools.

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Fernando Ramirez
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Angeles Martinez
Tools & Services email

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