Road Standards Review for Resilience and Sustainability

Road Standards Review for Resilience and Sustainability

Applications: Two applications: (i)  knowledge resource to identify gaps in specific sections of the national standards so they can be explicitly addressed in the terms of reference for detailed designs of resilient road infrastructure; a (ii) conceptual framework to determine the need/opportunity in updating the national standards.

Data requirement: Relevant desing standards

Final deliverables: Slide-deck, and Excel-based screening criteria

Geographic scope: National

Hazards covered: Multiple hazards

Indicative Cost / working time: TBD

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: No

Time Required for delivery: ~2 months

The Road standards review is a gap analysis of existing HVR and LVR standards to identify the strengths and areas for improvement for integrating resilience and sustainability considerations. The review uses a screening criterion developed by GFDRR, which continues to be updated as GPRI works with team applying it.

Natalia Romero
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Tools & Services email

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