Applications: Used to inform COVID-19 response in Indonesia: CollabData, used in Semarang, Indonesia, delivers a visualized report of community insights to inform agile prioritization of infrastructure projects. Being scaled up under GEF Indonesia grant.
Data requirement: City data combined with open source data, primary community consultation data
Final deliverables: Output of prioritized development initiaves/projects for community level investments, visualized spatially and produced as a report.
Geographic scope: City
Hazards covered: Yes
Indicative Cost / working time: $50 K
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes, as part of the DEC DG deliverables under the Global Data Innovation Fund (initial pilot). Latest versions have not yet been peer reviewed.
Time required for delivery: 1 month (depending on data availability)
The CollabData tool, conceptualized by CPL & pilot developed in collaboration with CAPSUS, is a robust digital platform that captures needs, challenges, and ground realities of the communities, strengthens public consultations, and simplifies the analysis of collected data with powerful visualizations to help identify, evaluate, and prioritize projects. The tool was first piloted during Covid-19 as a real time data collection mechanism that directly connected communities to Semarang City Hall (Indonesia). Based on the success, the city along with national government requested WB support to further develop a version of the tool to digitalize (1) community consultation processes for annual budgets; and (2) support spatially informed prioritization of investments at community level. The tool was subsequently enhanced to add these functionalities and is being scaled up under GEF Indonesia RETF grant.