Securing and Accessing Land for Climate Actions: A World Bank Guidance Note

Securing and Accessing Land for Climate Actions

Applications: The guidance note is in-print, available for application by the end of January 2025.

Final deliverables: Investment Planning

Geographic scope: Project Level

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes (QER, September 5, 2024).

This Guidance Note aims to translating the World Bank's Global Program on Land for Climate Actions to practical steps and investments. More concretely, aimed at project teams and policy makers seeking to bring about climate actions and those charged with implementing the policies and undertaking individual projects. It seeks to aid in the creation of practical solutions as to how to produce workable climate actions by ensuring that access to land is achievable and does not become an impediment to climate change mitigation. The guidance stems from an analytical report (separately in-print) undertaken by the World Bank and University of Melbourne, Australia, on the land implications of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) produced under the Paris Agreement in East Asia and Pacific (EAP) and South Asia Region (SAR).

Mika Torhonen

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