Applications: Analysis can either be used as a "conversation starter" for policy dialogue or more in-depth analysis of potential constraints on growth and the identification of regions/cities for more in-depth case study analysis. Tool has been applied to more than 20 countries by both URL and EFI teams. Previous applications include Mpumalanga (South Africa), Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, the EU, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
Data requirement: Global data with option to include local data.
Final deliverables: PPT and/or report summarizing results.
Geographic scope: National
Indicative Cost / working time: $30-$50 K
Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes - methodology peer reviewed through multiple ASAs. Original EPI methodology published as WB working paper.
Time required for delivery: 1-3 months (depending on level of sophistication)
Benchmarking analysis of the "economic potential" of a country's sub-national regions and/or cities in terms of the extent to which they possess characteristics that are generally associated with a high level of productivity. Includes an analysis of comparative strengths and weaknesses across different regions/cities. Analysis can also be extended to assess a region/city's "untapped" economic potential - i.e., the extent to which actual economic performance falls short of predicted performance. Most basic form of the analysis uses a core set of indicators derived from global data sources, while more sophisticated forms integrate local data and/or extend the range of indicators by the crowding-in of expert local opinion.