Democratic Republic of Congo: Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Climate Services

Context and Objectives
This project improved the quality of hydro-meteorological and climate (hydromet) services provided by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This was achieved by strengthening the capacity of the Government's hydro-met services, MettelSat.
Main Activities and Results
The activities were divided according to the following components:
- Institutional and regulatory strengthening, capacity building and implementation support: This component invested in the human and institutional resources required to implement and sustain weather and water observation and forecasting.
- Modernization of capacities, facilities and infrastructure for observation and forecasting: This component invested in the strengthening of basic networks for observation and forecasting.
- Improvement of hydro-met information service delivery: This component focused on the delivery of more accurate, timely and relevant information to users and decision-makers. Through pilots and tailored information for target audiences, MettelSat trialed, modifed and developed appropriate format and timing of hydro-met information, including to river-transportation agencies, hydropower operators, disaster reduction and civil protection agencies, farmers and agricultural actors, aviation, the media and public.
The following results were achieved:
- Two implementation support missions were organized in July and November 2017, with large participation from both MettelSat and users (e.g. those working in agriculture, civil protection, aviation, fluvial navigation, social affairs, food security, etc). During these missions, several meetings and workshops were organized to identify gaps and user’s needs, which are used in project preparation.
- An institutional analysis was carried out, and the Project Implementation Unit and Steering Committee were put in place. The project team consulted with Mettelsat in preparing relevant Terms of Reference for consultancy firms and individuals.
- A workshop on Quality Management System (QMS) took place on 5-10 November 2018, attracting 23 participants, mostly from MettelSat. The workshop was led by QMS experts from the Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA).
- An institutional workshop took place on 8 November 2018, with 104 participants from MettelSat and strategic partner agencies. The workshop offered the possibility to discuss the strategic relevance and direction of MettelSat and its partnership, as well as the need for a renovated legal framework for the sector.
- Several innovative approaches included the development of a strategy for MettelSat to address flood and climate change in the N'Djili and Kalamu Watersheds. In addition, several MettelSat buildings were rehabilitated, including the MettelSat Headquarters and the building that houses technical functions for MettelSat in Kisangani. Furthermore, new meteorological and hydrological equipment was delivered to modernize the services provided by MettelSat to its clients.
Partnerships and Coordination
The project was an important element of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - African Development Bank - World Bank Africa Regional Framework Hydromet Program. This Program built on the collaboration framework for strengthening Africa’s hydro-meteorological services by providing the investment, technical assistance, and capacity building needed for integrated modernization.
The project was fully aligned with the new “Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems” (CREWS) Initiative which was launched by the Government of France in Paris at the COP21, in collaboration with WMO, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the World Bank.
The EU Delegation in Kinshasa was consulted about this project, and was kept informed during implementation.
- Africa
Priority area
- Mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Window of Action
- Window 2
Amount approved
- $3,000,000
- $5,200,000
- 08/2016 - 12/2020