How We Work
GFDRR provides analytical work, technical assistance, and capacity building to help vulnerable nations improve resilience and reduce risk.
Through its in-country work, GFDRR awards grants for specific projects in line with its seven operating principles:
➔ Demand-driven approach to ensure maximum impact
➔ Leveraging development investments and policies
➔ Focusing on inclusive design and participation
➔ Empowering women and mainstreaming gender
➔ Jointly addressing disaster and climate risk
➔ Developing knowledge and sharing best practices
➔ Prioritizing a results-oriented approach
GFDRR's grants and technical assistance are organized around eight areas of engagement, which represent our priorities in the coming years.
➔ Promoting open access to risk information
➔ Promoting resilient infrastructure
➔ Scaling up the resilience of cities
➔ Strengthening hydromet services and early-warning systems
➔ Deepening financial protection
➔ Building resilience at community level
➔ Deepening engagements in resilience to climate change
➔ Enabling resilient recovery
In FY16 alone, GFDRR helped finance projects in 80 countries, and demand for support from GFDRR continues to grow.
The Secretariat carries out GFDRR’s mission, manages its day-to-day operations, and produces GFDRR’s core documents, such as Work Plans and Annual Reports.
The Secretariat is housed at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC, with satellite offices in Brussels and Tokyo.