World Reconstruction Conference 4: Knowledge and Lessons Learned from ACP Countries

Context and Objectives

The World Reconstruction Conference (WRC) is a global forum that provides a platform for leaders, experts, policy makers, and practitioners from international organizations, NGOs, academia, and the private sector from both developing and developed countries to share disaster reconstruction and recovery experiences, and take forward the policy dialogue for an effective international disaster recovery and reconstruction framework.

On 13 and 14 May 2019, WRC4 gathered in Geneva, Switzerland over 1,000 participants from national and local governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, and international organizations from around the world. It was jointly organized by the ACP Secretariat, the EC, UNDP, WB and GFDRR, and hosted by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). The conference took place in conjunction with the sixth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (Geneva, May 13-17, 2019). The overall goal was to build consensus to renew and accelerate efforts towards reaching inclusive recovery processes. The conference promoted inclusion for resilient recovery and examined why certain minority groups are left behind by post-disaster recovery processes, and how they can better be included.

Main Activities and Results

The ACP-EU NDRR Program facilitated the participation of over 50 delegates from ACP Group of States to various WRC4 sessions, including as speakers and panelists. Representatives from ACP countries shared their knowledge and lessons learnt regarding the inclusion of all stakeholders in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction processes.

WRC4 sessions focused on various topics, ranging from civil protection, urban and rural settings, risk financing, promoting women’s leadership in recovery or conflict sensitivity. Several sessions also had specific geographical focus, such as on South Asia, Africa, or Small Islands States. Furthermore, post-disaster training demonstrations were organized during the two days of the conference.

His Excellency Ambassador Leonard Emile Ognimba (Assistant Secretary General, Department of Political Affairs and Human Development, ACP Group of States) delivered the closing address of WRC4, highlighting the variety of subjects that were discussed during the conference, which illustrate the complexity of the recovery process and the challenges in ensuring that this process is inclusive. He also emphasized that it is crucial that all partners and governments work together towards achieving effective inclusion in recovery and development. WRC4 has contributed to the international dialogue on inclusion by raising awareness, facilitating discussion, sharpening the thinking, and setting the agenda for future engagements.

Partnerships and Coordination

WRC4 was organized in close coordination with the EU, UNDP and UNDRR.

Useful Link

More information can be found at

The Joint Communique can be found at

The link to the highlight video and to all interviews can be found at

  • Global
Window of Action
  • Window 3
Amount approved
  • $300,000
  • 12/2018 - 05/2020