201 grants were implemented in FY23 for a total amount of $71.5 million. A recent evaluation from the World Bank Group’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) confirmed the facility’s transformative contributions to the field of disaster risk management.
Where We Work
Number of grants
GFDRR By The Numbers (FY23)
201 grants
63 countries
Grants were implemented in FY23 in 63 countries spanning six regions: Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia.
14 thematic areas
GFDRR takes a multisectoral and synergistic approach to disaster risk management that spans 14 thematic areas including building regulation for resilience, city resilience, disaster risk analytics, emergency preparedness and response, nature-based solutions, and resilient infrastructure.
GFDRR’s portfolio continued to grow globally during FY23. Highlights of the portfolio’s progress and contributions: