Somalia: Drought Impact and Needs Assessment and Resilient Recovery Framework

Context and objectives 

The 2016-2017 drought brought Somalia to the brink of famine. An estimated 6.7 million – half the population – are acutely food insecure and in need of humanitarian assistance. Somalia has seen around 7 percent of its population (760,000 people) newly displaced, and the scarcity of safe drinking water has led to outbreaks of Acute Watery Diarrhea /Cholera resulting in around 800 fatalities. The drought has caused large-scale crop failures and livestock deaths, impacting livelihoods and food supply. This shock is taking place in an existing fragile conflict environment with high levels of poverty, widespread water shortages, food insecurity, displacement and deep communal tensions.

The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), through the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development and the Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management, requested support from the World Bank/GFDRR, together with the EU and the UNDP to undertake a comprehensive Drought Impact & Needs Assessment (DINA).

Main activities and results

Financed by the ACP-EU NDRR Program, the DINA established that damages amounted to USD 1.02 billion, and estimated losses at USD 2.23 billion. The total effect of the drought in Somalia is expected to exceed USD 3.25 billion and the total recovery needs are estimated at USD 1.77 billion. Agriculture (irrigated and rain-fed crops) and urban development, as well as municipal services are the sectors with the greatest needs, representing 28 percent and 17 percent of total needs, respectively.

The DINA informed the development of a Resilient Recovery Framework, which sets out a sequenced and priortized framework for recovery interventions. This framework can inform investments supported by external partners.

Partnerships and coordination

The DINA was prepared under the overall leadership of the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development, in partnership with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, and with the Benadir Regional Administration.

The DINA and Resilient Recovery Framework processes have also seen very close and collaborative coordination with the EU and the UN. Support to the assessment was provided by a team of technical experts from the European Union, the World Bank, and the United Nations System, as well as other partners.

Useful links

The Drought Impact and Needs Assessment can be found here: Volume I; Volume II: Volume III.

  • Africa
Window of Action
  • Window 3
Amount approved
  • $849,350
  • 10/2017 - 09/2018