Tanzania: Strengthening Community Capacity for DRR Interventions in Drought Prone Regions

Context and Objectives
In many regions of central and northern Tanzania, lives and livelihoods suffer from periodic weather-related stress, particularly from below-normal rainfall. This project aimed at enhancing community capacity to address adverse effects of climate change in drought prone areas in the following strategic areas:
- Build resilience and capacity at community level (women and youth groups) to be able to identify, address and report on risks and vulnerabilities for early action;
- Strengthen capacity of Local Government Authorities (Regional/District Disaster Management Committees) in drought prone areas to take a lead role in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) interventions;
- Raise awareness and strengthen early warning systems with the aim to support the the community, government, Private Sector and NGO’s in drought affected areas;
- Integration of DRR in formal and informal education systems.
Main Activities and results
The project worked to build the capacity at the regional and district levels in areas at risk of drought, so that they could take the lead in DRR initiatives. With a specific focus on the drought-vulnerable districts of Same and Kishapo, the project activities worked to strengthen DRR capacity of Local Government Authorities (LGAs) (including disaster management committees) as well as communities, particularly focusing on women and youth groups, who learned to identify, address and report risks and vulnerabilities. Early warning systems (EWS) were enhanced through awareness raising and engaging with a variety of relevant groups (communities, government, private sector, and NGOs).
As a result of the project, communities and government officials are now better able to identify, address and report on risks and vulnerabilities. Selected results include:
- Over 130 government officials at regional, district and village levels were trained to improve their capacity to plan, launch, and manage disaster resilience initiatives in collaboration with partners and stakeholders.
- Project-supported pilots have enabled the adoption of new and sustainable coping strategies designed to enhance community preparedness to drought events:
- 2,500 people from 433 households have benefited from access to drought-resistant seed varieties, tools, and knowledge.
- Over 8,000 people have an improved access to water for drinking, animals and horticulture. As part of this work, 100 women’s groups were able to strengthen their food security against climatic variability and shocks.
Partnerships and Coordination
The project was implemented through a close partnership between the Government of Tanzania, UNICEF-Tanzania, the World Bank, the European Union, and local communities.
Project activities were coordinated with local EU representatives as well as with UN agencies to ensure synergies and to avoid duplication. In addition, UNICEF coordinated with the EU, World Bank and other UN agencies through quarterly UN DAP-Emergency working Group and biannual Program Management Committee (PMC) meeting, co-chaired by Prime Minister Office/Disaster Management Department for information sharing on progress, challenges and best practices.
- Africa
Priority area
- Mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Window of Action
- Window 2
Amount approved
- $776,602
- $250,000
- 10/2012 - 10/2015