GWE Forum Webinars - Reminder
A private sector view of future collaboration in the global weather enterprise
The Global Weather Enterprise Forum (GWE Forum) will host its third webinar on Tuesday 16 February, from 14.00 to 15.30 UTC.
The guest speaker, Peter Platzer, Chief Executive Officer of Spire Global, will focus on the transformation of the global weather enterprise in the open, big data world.
The Webinar will be opened by Maitreyi Bordia Das, Manager in the World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice. Following Peter's presentation, the audience will be able to share perspectives and exchange thoughts in the Q&A session.
This webinar is free to attend and open to everybody.
For further information and to register, please visit here >>
About the webinar
Peter Platzer will investigate the importance of improved collaboration between the private, public and academic sectors to the more effective use of weather data to address the growing challenges of extreme weather & climate change to life and property.
Peter will share his perspective on the ongoing transformation in the global weather enterprise, focusing on commercial data as a service in an open, big data world; establishing trust between existing and new public and private institutions; and improving how data is shared.
About the Speaker

Peter Platzer co-founded Spire in 2012 with a vision to provide satellite-powered data solutions to problems on Earth. The company’s audacious goal is to double global GDP growth by eliminating the negative economic impact from inaccurate weather forecasts in the era of Climate Change. Platzer is now regarded as one of the pioneers in launching small form factor satellites into space and was named by President Obama a White House Champion of Change in 2013.
Prior to launching Spire, Peter trained at CERN and the Max Planck Institute before turning to business with the Boston Consulting Group in Europe and Asia, and serving as a quantitative investment manager for almost a decade on Wall Street.
The Webinar will be opened by Maitreyi Bordia Das. Maitreyi is Manager in the World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice. Based in Washington DC, she works on a set of issues that have to do with reducing inequality and exclusion. She has worked in both human development and infrastructure related areas at the World Bank. Of these, social protection, social development, health, urban development and water and sanitation stand out.
GWE Forum Podcasts
New episodes of The WeatherPod now available
Episode 7: Forging a successful European partnership at ECMWF

In this episode of The WeatherPod hosts Alan Thorpe and David Rogers have invited Florence Rabier, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts into the studio. This is a special extended episode of The WeatherPod devoted exclusively to ECMWF and the recent publication of its 10-year strategy 2021 to 2030
As many listeners will know, ECMWF is an independent intergovernmental organisation supported by 34 countries, working closely with their national meteorological services.
The WeatherPod can be found on ACAST, on Apple Podcasts and on the GWE Forum website
Episode 6: Public and private weather services in Austria

In Episode 6, hosts Alan Thorpe and David Rogers speak to Michael Staudinger to discuss public and private weather services in Austria.
Michael is the Director of the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), which is Austria’s national meteorological & hydrological service. He is also the Permanent Representative of Austria to the World Meteorological Organisation, and President of the WMO Regional Association VI (Europe).
The WeatherPod can be found on ACAST, on Apple Podcasts and on the GWE Forum website
Other Events webinar: Artificial Intelligence – How it can address the growing challenges of extreme weather & climate change

When: Feb 24, 2021 3:00PM, 15.00 GMT
To Register & for more information click here
The latest webinar in the series on the business opportunities of extreme weather & climate change focuses on the value of Artificial Intelligence or AI to the application of weather data.
Panellists include:
Moderator & Chair: Dr. Sheldon Drobot, Sr. Manager, Strategy & Technology, Space Systems Sector, Space and Airborne Systems, L3Harris Technologies
Dr. Sue Ellen Haupt, Senior Scientist, Deputy Director, Research Applications Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Dr. Amy McGovern, Lloyd G. and Joyce Austin Presidential Professor, School of Computer Science and School of Meteorology, Director, NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography, University of Oklahoma
Florian Pappenberger, Director of Forecasts, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
John Williams, Senior Manager, Forecasting Sciences, The Weather Company, an IBM Business
Other Events
IFMS webinar
Global Campus Initiative (GCI) of WMO & IFMS Initiative in Education & Training
When: Feb 17, 2021 2:00PM, 14.00 UTC
To register & for more information click here
1. Welcome to attendees by Dr. Harinder Ahluwalia & Introduce IFMS & Prof. Liz Bentley – Moderator of the Webinar
2. Prof. Liz Bentley – Moderator of the Webinar, IFMS Council Member for RA6 & Chair Accreditation and Certification
3. Presentation by Dr. Patrick Parrish – Chief of Training at WMO, Presentation on WMO Global Campus Initiative
4. Presentation by Dr. Sushil K. Dash, IFMS Chair E&T and Webinar
5. Q&A Session Moderated by Prof. Liz Bentley
6. Wrap up Dr. Harinder Ahluwalia, President IFMS
The GWE Forum can be contacted here
