GWE Forum Roundtable
In Conversation with 7 Women on Gender Equality in the Global Weather Enterprise

To celebrate International Women's Day, the Global Weather Enterprise Forum (GWE Forum) has brought together seven women with long and varied experience of working in meteorology and related fields to discuss their work and life experiences ...
Click here to watch the video and share your thoughts >>
GWE Forum Online Forum
Increasing the Socio-economic Benefits of Weather and Climate Services through Public-Private-Academic Collaboration and Partnership

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 24 March, from 17.00 UTC
A panel drawn from across the public and private sectors will explore inter-sector partnerships with the potential to increase the value of weather and climate services in developing countries. The issues they will address include:
What are the key challenges and risks?
What are the potential benefits?
How can NMHS' support for PPE get started?
Do other initiatives need to be considered in parallel, or as a follow on?
For further information and to register, please visit the GWE Forum web site >>
GWE Forum Podcasts
Episde 7: Forging a successful European partnership at ECMWF

In this episode of The WeatherPod, hosts Alan Thorpe and David Rogers have invited Florence Rabier, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) into the studio. This is a special extended episode of The WeatherPod devoted exclusively to ECMWF and the recent publication of its 10-year strategy, 2021 to 2030
As many listeners will know, ECMWF is an independent intergovernmental organisation supported by 34 countries and which works closely with their national meteorological services.
The WeatherPod can be found on ACAST, on Apple Podcasts and on the GWE Forum website
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If you have another type of smartphone or tablet, then download the app for the Acast Podcast Player – or your preferred podcast app – and then enter The WeatherPod in the search facility.
Just published: Innovation in Public and Private Weather Services

This new GFDRR report proposes new approaches for the weather enterprise to continue to innovate and expand to keep people safe from disruptive weather, and to keep up with the demand for weather intelligence for economic development.
Find the full report here >>
Other GWE Forum activities
Summaries of the past GWE Forum activities are available on the GWE Forum Library
Summary and chat digest of the first Online Forum – 'Legislative Frameworks that Enable Public-Private Engagement' (January 2021). Click here >>
Summary of the second Webinar – 'Unlocking the benefits of open weather data' (October 2020). Click here >>
Summary of the first Webinar – 'A vision for Numerical Weather Prediction' (June 2020). Click here >>
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