Resources and Media

Conference Videos

Plenary Sessions

Opening ceremony | Leave no one behind: making inclusion a reality

Plenary | Inclusion for people with disabilities

Plenary | Inclusion vs. Exclusion: Risks and Opportunities

Closing plenary | Inclusion as a right for all

Breakout Sessions

Facilitating recovery and inclusion through satellite earth observation

BBB in Infrastructure: Making it stronger and accessible to everyone

Ensuring the Inclusion of Displaced Persons in Recovery

Community-led recovery

South Asia: where resilience and inclusion meet

From local government to civil society, from urban to rural settings: making recovery inclusive

Civil protection for inclusive recovery

Fostering Social Inclusion through Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery

Financing risk for more inclusive recovery

Urban Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Settings

BBB and Inclusive Recovery for Small Island States

Addressing the inequality of risk and promoting women’s leadership in recovery

Renewable energy for displaced communities

Ecosystem based Recovery: the case of Kerala Floods 2018

Ensuring inclusion during recovery in contexts affected by fragility and conflict

How Can Disaggregated Data Promote Inclusion?


Disaster Recovery for Persons with Disabilities

Making Recovery More Inclusive

The Self-Recovery of Communities

Youth Leadership in Disaster Recovery

Safeguarding Livelihoods from Disasters

Protecting Cultural Heritage in Disaster Recovery

Resilient Homes Challenge Winners

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: Lessons Learned from The Winning Entries

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Nepal by Baha Spatial Agency

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in the Caribbean by Antu

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Malaysia by Architects Avenue

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Bangladesh by Bam-S

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in India by Compartment S4

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Nepal and Bhutan by Ten

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Haiti by CSW Architecture

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Haiti by Kunqi Guo

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in the Caribbean by KZ Architecture

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in the Philippines by PoLito

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in Vietnam by Team Maru

Resilient Homes Design Challenge: A Resilient Home in the Himalayas by Team Seeds

Conference Photos

World Reconstruction Conference 4


Conference Publications

WRC4 Joint Communique

PDNA Guidance: Integrating Conflict Sensitivity

Guidelines for Assessing the Human Impact of Disasters

Recovery: Challenges and Lessons

Concept Note/Note Conceptuelle

WRC4 Concept Note

Note Conceptuelle de WRC4

Proceedings from previous conferences

WRC3 | 2017

WRC2 | 2014

WRC1 | 2011

Blogs and media coverage