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The latest insights on resilience and disaster risk management
Showing results 361 - 369 of 369

​​Imagine you are a city official who wants to ensure all future infrastructure and urban development in your city is climate- and disaster-sensitive. The first step is to understand the natural hazards of today and tomorrow—flood, storm surge, sea level rise, etc.—and how they could impact your city.


Disaster losses can have a severe impact on the economies of small island nations. In 2004, after Hurricane Ivan hit Grenada, a state of only 133 square miles in size, total damages were estimated around US$900 million, equivalent to 200% of national GDP at the time. While Grenada’s experience is extreme, SIDS across the world have suffered disaster impacts which reached significant losses in terms of their GDP.


A commitment to building resilience, paired with accurate and actionable risk information, can help bring about a safer world before costly disasters, often with substantial losses in lives and livelihoods, impact our most vulnerable communities.

Schools constructed with GFDRR support in Türkiye withstood earthquakes, ensuring student safety.
How do floods affect people, especially the poorer population, living in flood-prone areas?
A snapshot of the status of building regulatory frameworks in Sub-Saharan Africa
A joint feature by GFDRR, the World Bank, and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.