Global Rapid Damage Estimation (GRADE)

Global Rapid Damage Estimation (GRADE)

Applications: Applications include a) rapid estimation of economic damage of a disaster to inform WB, client and donors; b) to support access post disaster funding through the IDA Crisis Response Window; and c) to act as the secondary trigger of the WB Corporate Climate Reslient Debt Clause (CRDC) instrument.   

Data requirement: Global/national data with option to incorporate local data

Final deliverables: A report that covers damage estimation at sub national level for sectors of residetial (housing); non-residential (Commercial, industrial, public and mixed-use buildings and contents); infrastructure and agriculture. The report also includes key findings and recommendations to support recovery process and reconstruction after the disaster.

Geographic scope: National; sub-national

Hazards covered: Earthquakes, Tropical Cyclones, Floods, Volcanic eruptions, Conflict

Indicative Cost / working time: $50k

Methodology peer-reviewed, cleared (date)?: Yes. (published April 2018) -

Time Required for delivery: 2-3 weeks

GRADE is a remote, desk-based, and lower-cost way to quickly assess the economic damage from disasters. Using Scientific, engineering, socio-economic, satellite/social media datasets and expert knowledge, the overall damage estimate on average is accurate for up to 90 percent of the field-based estimate which usually takes more than three months to complete following PDNA processes. GRADE has successfully produced assessment for over 65 disasters worldwide (in close to 50 countries) for varying hazards.

Additional Resources


This note describes utility & outputs of the Global Rapid-post-disaster Damage Estimation (GRADE).

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Estimating the direct economic damage in Grenada in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

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Estimating the direct economic damage in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines due to Hurricane Beryl.

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Rashmin Gunasekera
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist
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