Countries across the globe are confronting complex, multi-dimensional crises, climate impacts and other natural hazards. The GFDRR Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Thematic Area supports governments to strengthen their EP&R policies, institutions, facilities, equipment and information systems. It also offers a centralized repository of good practices for operational support and technical assistance on all aspects related to EP&R.
- The EP&R Thematic Area has designed a series of innovative tools aimed at strengthening the institutional capacities of governments to respond to disaster risks and emergency situations. These tools follow a rigorous framework that assess the following core elements of an EP&R system: institutional and legal frameworks, personnel, information, facilities, and equipment.
- The Lessons Learned Exercise (LLE) helps countries learn from a specific disaster event through participatory workshops, as an entry point to advocate for EP&R systems enhancement and to gather initial data and recommendations before a broader assessment. The LLE User Guide is accessible here [link forthcoming].
- The Ready2Respond or R2R Diagnostic provides a detailed understanding of existing EP&R capacities in a municipality, country or region and assesses 360 data points related to facilities, personnel, equipment, information and legal frameworks. It also leads to the development of cost-effective investment plans to address opportunities to improve points of failure in crisis response systems. The Ready2Respond Framework is accessible here. The R2R User Guide is accessible here [link forthcoming].
- The EP&R thematic area offers a series of support related to Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), which are pivotal in bolstering global emergency preparedness and response:
- The Emergency Operations Centers training e-module has been designed for practitioners globally to better understand the importance of EOCs, delving into their operational roles and importance in orchestrating disaster management and preparedness. The EOC training module is accessible here [link forthcoming].
- In addition, the EP&R thematic area provides face-to-face workshops and trainings on EOCs to government counterparts, offering hands-on sessions that help establish and improve EOCs with customized training. This aims to equip countries with the capabilities for an effective disaster response, ultimately safeguarding lives and minimizing community impact when disasters occur.
- The EP&R Thematic Area is ideally positioned to assist World Bank teams and countries globally in using existing World Bank resources effectively to focus on emergency preparedness response. This is done through key World Bank crisis preparedness tools: the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) and the Crisis Emergency Response Project (CERP) as part of the World Bank’s new Toolkit. The support provided from the EP&R Thematic Area can potentially lead to inform policy-level engagements including through the World Bank’s Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat DDO) instrument. See the Feature Story – Building Capacity through Emergency and Crisis Response [link forthcoming].
The GFDRR Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Thematic Area supports policy reforms and builds technical capacity to develop and strengthen EP&R systems in countries globally. It does so by offering global innovative products and solutions that aim at strengthening the institutional capacities of governments to respond to disaster risks and emergency situations. The EP&R Thematic Area also manages a centralized repository of good practices for operational support and technical assistance on all aspects related to EP&R, such as for Emergency Operation Centers (EOC), fire safety, incident management systems, standard operation procedures, Legal and Institutional, resource management, or staffing.
The EP&R Thematic Area housed within GFDRR is also well positioned to assist World Bank teams and countries in using existing World Bank resources effectively to focus on emergency preparedness response. This is done through key World Bank crisis preparedness tools: the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) and the Crisis Emergency Response Project (CERP) as part of the World Bank’s new Toolkit.
EP&R is a rapidly evolving filed, improving with new technologies and approaches. The GFDRR EP&R Thematic Area helps governments to stay ahead of the trends for cost-effective and efficient preparedness and response in a changing environment and that integrate cross-cutting issues such as Gender Equity and Social Inclusion, Health, and to facilitate their implementation in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

EP&R activities are implemented by World Bank teams worldwide, and the EP&R Thematic Area also focuses on building partnerships with international EP&R partners. Over the years, this has materialized with stronger ties and collaboration with organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the United States Fire Administration (FEMA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and many other national-level EP&R institutions, Ministries or Agencies.
Core Documents
- Lessons Learned Exercise User Guide [link forthcoming].
- Ready2Respond Framework, Infographic, and video.
- Ready2Respond User Guide [link forthcoming].
- EOC training module [link forthcoming].
- Ready2Respond Diagnostic Report for Cabo Verde
- Ready2Respond Diagnostic Reports for the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia.
- GFDRR Results in Resilience story - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Supporting Recovery and Resilience
- GFDRR Results in Resilience story - Enhancing disaster preparedness in Haiti
- GFDRR Results in Resilience story - Upgrading Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Response Capacities
- Feature Story – Building Capacity through Emergency and Crisis Response [link forthcoming].
- Feature Story – Enabling Inclusive Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania
- Feature Story – Haiti “Let us be more and more prepared”
- Feature Story – Sharing and mobilizing knowledge for a more resilient Jordan
- Feature Story - Sharing Japanese Expertise in EP&R Systems at national and local levels
- Blog – The Philippines is “Ready to Rebuild” in the aftermath of Typhoon Rai
- Blog – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: The critical role of emergency operations centers in saving lives when disasters strike
- Feature Story – Global Collaboration in Emergency Preparedness: Insights from UR24 in Himeji, Japan
- Feature Story - Enhancing Capacities to Address Complex Fire Emergencies
- What is Ready2Respond (R2R)?
- Recognizing the need to develop a strong shelter management framework: Interview with Ms. Michelle Forbes, Director of National Emergency Management Organization in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Supporting EP&R efforts in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines following the 2021 La Soufriere volcanic eruption.
- South Asia Emergency Operation Center Workshop

Watch the Emergency Preparedness and Response videos playlist on YouTube