

The latest events and happenings from GFDRR

Showing results 151 - 160 of 198

Past Events

The Comprehensive Financial Solutions for City Resilience Conference, organized by the World Bank Group’s City Resilience Program, brought together city officials, private sector experts, donors and investors to prepare for ambitious investments in urban resilience.


With climate change, rapid urbanization, and other drivers increasing vulnerability, especially for the poor, this discussion explored how the built environment and nature-based solutions can better protect lives and livelihoods around the globe.

Feature Story | Livestream | Photo Album

The inaugural AMCOMET Africa Hydromet Forum brought together representatives from governments, public and private sectors, regional entities, development agencies and civil society to provide strategic insight to improve hydrological, meteorological and early warning services to achieve climate and disaster resilience across Africa.

Video | Photo Album

More than 800 participants from civil society, national and local governments, academia, the private sector and international organizations gathered for the Third Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC3) which focused on the theme of “Building back better in recovery,
rehabilitation and reconstruction."

Knowledge Report | Video

Together with World Bank, UNDP and Ecoshape, we organized a workshop on scaling up nature based flood risk reduction, with a focus on producing guidelines for the effective implementation of green and hybrid solutions to reduce flood risk in urban, riverine and coastal settings.

The Spring 2017 Meeting of the Consultative Group (CG) of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery was held on April 5-7, 2017, at the Zurich Development Center (ZDC), in Zurich, Switzerland.

To address the drivers of risk, the people and governments of South Asia are taking action through appropriate policies and investments. The seminar highlighted the approaches taken in a variety of countries, the progress to date building disaster resilience, and the opportunities to replicate partnerships like these in more countries.

Bringing together representatives of governments from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions, this event highlighted the increasing climate- and disaster-related challenges SIDS are facing and the innovative solutions that they are implementing as an integral part of their development.

We launched a new report examining Japan’s comprehensive approach to safer schools, including its innovative financial scheme, political and technical solutions, as well as lessons learned that are relevant to countries trying to address similar challenges.

Feature Story