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The latest insights on resilience and disaster risk management
Showing results 161 - 170 of 382

Drawing on our experience working on resilient education across the globe, GFDRR and the World Bank have recently published an education recovery guidance note. The note provides critical insights that government officials, the private sector and other development practitioners should take into account in the recovery and reconstruction of the education sector over three distinct phases of action.


Eager to exchange experiences and lessons learned, more than 60 development practitioners from 29 small island states came together in Geneva, Switzerland on May 12-13, 2019 for the Fourth Meeting of the Small Island States Resilience Initiative (SISRI) Practitioners’ Network. 


When designing disaster risk management (DRM) projects, we must consider how to bolster the climate and disaster resilience of all people, paying special attention to the specific needs of different genders, the elderly, persons with disabilities, children, and other vulnerable or marginalized people.


After a landslide in Freetown, Sierra Leone, the World Bank, GFDRR and the European Union commissioned analytical studies of the landslide and geology of surrounding areas. Presented with the analysis of the landslide disaster, the newly elected president of Sierra Leone declared that the landslide area is to be re-designated as a protected forest area  a memorial park to those that lost their lives during the disaster


In order to break down barriers to private sector investment to build resilience for West Africa’s coasts, it is critical to jumpstart the dialogue between the private and public sector. The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) will help achieve that.

 Japan’s experience mitigating flood risks offers valuable lessons for its peers.

Art can inspire people to think about disaster risk and resilience in ways that science, data, and numbers cannot.  This is why the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Labs and the World Bank Group’s Art Program and have launched a global call for artwork for an upcoming exhibit called The Art of Resilience