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The latest insights on resilience and disaster risk management
Showing results 231 - 240 of 369

Putting in place disaster finance at an early stage can help create the certainty and predictability required to develop good planning and systems for response and recovery.  


A World Bank project recently analyzed the flows of people within the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince using cell phone data, and identified the most critical links in the urban transportation system.


 Over the past 85 years, civil protection in Romania has developed into a strong, reliable system that is able to provide rapid response to disaster.


With the support of GFDRR and the World Bank, the government of Nepal is undertaking a resilient reconstruction program for 650,000 households affected by the two devastating earthquakes that hit the country in 2015.


Women and children have greater risks to their survival and recovery in the aftermath of natural disasters. It is vital to put women and children at the center of disaster risk reduction and community resilience programs.


Through public-private partnerships (PPPs), governments can attract private sector partners who can provide financing for infrastructure investment, management skills, and expertise to address the challenges of natural disasters.


How and what can governments do to reduce risks, be better prepared for a disaster, and respond adequately? Both sectoral agendas and a Response Plan are necessary to mitigate risks and coordinate an effective response to disasters.


In a world increasingly filled with risk, social protection systems help individuals and families cope with natural disaster, civil war, displacement, and other shocks.


Resilience is being used as a guiding principle for the Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project, requested by the Oyo State government in response to flooding that caused significant economic and human losses to the city of Ibadan.  


A new report on Haitian cities provides evidence of the challenges of urbanization in Haiti and puts forward actions for changes along three lines.